My first time in Andalusia, Al

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Mother of Them All

Day 4 – Thursday, June 6, 2007

Nick’s bed and room was extremely comfortable. He has it completely dark in there, so no sunlight comes through. Sleeping all day was not a problem for us. Time was lost, and lying with him, time was not something I wanted to find.
I had awoken a few times with Nick by my side, and it was so easy to fall back asleep. At one point, I had awoken, and he was not by my side. I could not fall back asleep, as I was wondering where he had gone to.
Five minutes later, he came back into the room.
“You left me”, I said.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he replied.
He then told me that he was going up the street to his grandfather’s house. He kissed me goodbye, and I knew there was no way I would be able to fall back asleep. So, I found this opportunity to text and send the pictures to him and my email address.
An hour later, he came back with his dog, Trippy – a Chihuahua mixed with I don’t know what. Trippy took a liking to me right away. He kept jumping on the bed to explore me, and I heard Daphne in the other room telling Nick to make sure that Trippy was not on the bed.
I looked at Nick and noticed that he was wearing my shirt that I had worn the night before after I had gotten out of the shower. This meant so much to me – for him to just randomly throw on a piece of my clothing. I was touched.
I got dressed, throwing on a pair of his sweatpants and his t-shirt. I did not do this for the same reason that he wore my shirt. I did it because this is what I put on the night before when I couldn’t find my clothes. However, at the same time, I wanted to wear his clothes, because it was another way of getting closer to him – if that makes any sense at all.
I went into the living room and sat on the chair next to Daphne’s. Trippy kept jumping on my legs, and, as I was holding Nick’s hand, you could see the look of confusion on his face.
Daphne kept telling Nick to put Trippy outside, and as Nick was trying to do so, Trippy kept cuddling up next to me. Finally, Nick had to come to the chair and pick him up to put him out.
Nick started making our dinners, which was very basic; Hamburgers and french fries. I told him that I wanted mustard and cheese on mine. Daphne laughed and told me I was weird.
As he was cooking, Daphne asked me, “Now, are you staying here tonight? Or are you going to work with Nick?”
Of course I was going to be with Nick, and I told her so. Grant it, her and I could have possibly spent some quality time together, but the truth was, I came to Alabama to be with him.
When we were done eating, Nick and I went back into the bedroom. We laid on the bed, where he put his head on my chest. I began running my fingers through his hair, and I could tell from his breathing that he was falling asleep. He started snoring, which actually put me to sleep. I know that sounds strange, but, prior to this trip, Nick and I would fall asleep over the phone, and his snoring made me feel content that he was at rest, so it became my lullabye.
This sleep, however, did not last for long, as he had to get up and get ready for work. As he was standing there, above me, putting on his shirt, I had a strange thought come to mind; I felt like I had been with him for the longest time, almost like I knew him by heart, as if we’d been together for years – and this feeling – this thought - made me so comfortable.
He went into the shower, and I laid in bed, still complacent with this thought.
“Sean!” I heard Daphne call my name. I hadn’t been wearing a shirt, and had to search around the room, before going to my suitcase, and pulling out my favorite Echo shirt. I went into the living room, to experience one of the most disturbing moments in my life that I can remember.
“Yeah”, I said, standing by Daphne’s chair. She was fumbling through her cigarettes without looking in my direction as her words came out.
“I don’t have a problem with you or anythin’ as a person, but if you wanna continue seein’ Nick and visitin’, ya’ll are gonna have to get a hotel, ‘cause I don’t want you stayin’ here.”
I physically felt the blow to my stomach.
“Really?” I said, in shock. “Why is that?”
“Because you’re not right for my son.” She said, matter-of-factly, as she looked dead in my eyes.
“Why do you say that?” I asked. I could feel my defense starting to kick in.
“Because you have no goals and I don’t want my son gettin’ involved with you.”
“Really? ‘Cause you don’t know anything about me!”
“Don’t disrespect me in my house!”,
her voice raising.
“I’m not disrespecting you!” said my attitude, but I had to hold my attitude back, because at that moment the only person I cared about not disrespecting, was Nick. I cared too much about him to fight with this woman, so I pushed Mr. Attitude back in, even though I could feel him wanting to bust out, because I started shaking. She went on:
“You are jealous of mine and my son’s relationship. I can see that.” (I mentally had to pull out the superglue to keep my mouth shut) “Now, you can stay here tonight, but after tonight, that’s it. I don’t want you here no more. Alright, that’s all. I’m through with you.”
I said, walking away before I said something that would set her off even more. “No disrespect!”
“None here either!”
I went in the bedroom and closed the door. I tried to calm myself down, by breathing, but my disbelief, along with my rapid heartbeat and shaking hands just brought a whole bunch of thoughts in my head. I hadn’t seen this coming. Blindsided, I was mixed in shock and confusion as I began thinking that she was going to ruin this relationship. I wanted Nick to hurry out of the shower. In the meantime, I packed my suitcase before sitting on the bed and taking deep breaths, almost holding back tears.
Finally, Nick came into the bedroom, walked over to me, and ran his hand through my hair. I thought he may have heard the conversation, but when he asked me what was wrong, I knew he hadn't.
“We have to stay at a hotel tonight,” I told him.
“Why? What is it, baby?”
“I’m no longer welcome in your house.”
He sighed. “I knew she was gonna do this.”
He went on to tell me that it was okay, and told me to take a shower. I refused. I was not going to do anything in that house that would cause Daphne to be any more upset with me, and that included using her well water.
I recapped the conversation to Nick, and went on about how small she made me feel, taking my weakness (like the “goal” thing) and shoving it in my face. The thing was, I’m not one to hold back, especially when I feel I’m being attacked, and it took all my strength to do so in this situation.
He told me not to worry about anything, and that we would be staying there tonight, before he went into the living room.
He came back a few minutes later, and put on his shoes.
“Okay”, he said, “Let’s get outta here.”
“Did she say anything to you?”
“No. But she’s in one of her moods. Let’s just go.”
“Should I bring my suitcase?”

“No. We’ll get it later.”
We headed out the house, and I was not going to let Daphne know that she had gotten to me, so, as I passed her, I told her to have a good night.
“You too”, she said.
As we made our way to the car, she followed out after us.
“Where’s your all stuff?” She asked.
“I’ll get it later,” said Nick.
“I don’t want you bringin’ your people ‘round here no more, Nick. I’m tired of this!”
In the car, Nick informed me that she has done this to everyone in his life, including his female friends. This was the real reason why he never wanted to bring me to the house. He then went on to tell me that earlier that day, he told her how happy I made him feel.
“My God”, I said. “It’s like a competition. I feel like I’m competing with your mother.”
“No, baby,”
he said. “Your not competing with her. She’s competing with you, and that’s what she’s scared of. She feels threatened.”
My phase switched to anger, and I found myself starting to bitch about the situation. At the same time, I didn’t want to say anything that might piss Nick off, because, after all, it was his mother, so I decided to drop it.
And then the phone rings, which, of course, was his mother calling. I thought maybe she’d be calling to apologize, as if her mood had changed, but I could tell from Nick’s aggravation in his phone conversation that my thoughts were wrong.
When he hung up the phone, he told me that she basically told him everything that she had told me.
“I’ll prove her wrong,” I said.
“You don’t have to prove her wrong.” He said. “Just love me.”
I held his hand. I wanted him to know that I was not going to let her effect our relationship. I was not going anywhere, and his mother would just have to deal with that.

When we got to the hotel, Nick went inside, while I moved into the driver’s seat. It would be about an hour or so before I could join him, since his boss was there. So, I drove to Wal-Mart and sat in the parking lot, where I texted four of my closest friends, briefly explaining my earlier encounter. I got three responses back right away, and it was my cousin’s text reply that made me laugh. It read: “Holy Crap! Well at least that’s something you both have in common: Psycho moms!”
As soon as I read that, my phone rang. It was Nick, telling me that the coast was clear, so I headed over to the hotel.
Most of the night seemed a bit stressful for Nick. His mother kept calling, and he mentioned to me that we had to get a hotel for the early morning. He felt bad, knowing that I had to pay for this, but I told him not to worry.
“I feel like I’ve known you forever,” he said to me, which confirmed from my earlier thought that we were both on the same page.
There’s something about Nick that I find wonderful – well, I find many wonderful things about him – but, specifically, on this night, he made me feel at ease – as if his presence alone just makes everything better. I know I’ve mentioned it before, but being by his side really felt good. Not just good, but right.
We went out by the pool, while he cleaned it, as we joked, talked, and laughed. It was so nice being by his side – able to stand there and put my arms around him on this nice quiet night.
We went back into the laundry room where we took some more pictures:
He turned off the lights, and we laid on the hardwood table where we took a little nap. As for the hardwood, lying with Nick made the table just as comfortable as if we were lying in bed.
We only slept for about an hour before Nick had to get up and finish his work. I got up and had breakfast before heading out to his car, waiting for his relief to come.
During this time, Nick made a reservation for us at a neighboring hotel. He then joined me in the car, and we drove there, where he checked us in, using my debit card.We made our way to the hotel room, where we shared yet another intimate moment before falling asleep in the early morning hours

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